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Yesterday I posted that I made Rolo Sugar Cookies for my Mom’s cookie swap.  What I did not mention was my Aunt Jan brought Rolos melted onto pretzels and I fell in love!  Sweet and salty in the same bite-you cannot go wrong.  Luckily,  I had so many Rolos left over from cookies, I also made “Button Noses” as my Aunt Jan calls them.  Nathan prefers to refer to them as Pretzel Droppings, but you can name them whatever you like.

These are one of the quickest. easiest recipes and are DELICIOUS!

Ingredients you will need: Rolo Candies, Pretzels, and M&Ms

To start, spread pretzels out on a baking sheet.


Unwrap the Rolo Candies.


Place a Rolo on each pretzel and bake at 350 degrees.  Bake for 4-5 minutes, or until the chocolate starts melting.  You do not want them to melt too much, or you will have quite the caramel, chocolate mess. 105_0393

After removing the Rolo pretzels from the oven, place an M&M on each Rolo.


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Let cool and enjoy!105_0398

Nathan and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.   Cheers, T